Tue 05/23 - Weaponization of Medical AI, Superintelligence, and White Collar Dirty Jobs

Tue 05/23 - Weaponization of Medical AI, Superintelligence, and White Collar Dirty Jobs

Tune in for your daily AI check in with Adam Kerpelman from https://usemissionccontrol.com and Mackenzie Bowes from https://gptboss.com.

Today's Slides - https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7066820396397813762

Today's Links:
Medical AI's weaponization
Governance of superintelligence
Mike Rowe's warning to white collar workers: 'The robots are coming' for 'your white collar job'
Today's Image/Prompt:
Prompt: I literally just typed "edgar allan poe on the red carpet".

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Mission Control on the web: https://usemissioncontrol.com